How to style a saree the minimalistic way?

From the time i remember , I have been told by countless people in my life on how to style a saree. Styling a saree can be a daunting to task. From selecting the blouse to jewellery to footwear to make up. ` But over the years i have loved wearing a saree and dressing... Continue Reading →

How to buy a dress that suits your body type.

Dresses are probably one of the easiest items to style . Simply because you don't mix and match or worry about combinations. But there are  a few things you want to keep in mind when you buy a dress. 1.Length Length of a dress is what determines how suitable it is for a certain occasion.... Continue Reading →

A pop of Red… My way

Red is the colour of the season. Most of the runway looks this year showcased a lot of red tones. It is personally one my favourite colours. But if you are more of a neutral look person it can get a little overwhelming to wear an all red dress. Instead what you can go for... Continue Reading →

I am me…..

When I was a child my mother used to tell me to dress accrording to an occassion. My make up , jewellery and outfits were to be chosen so that I blend in with the crowd and not stand out. As I became older, I felt a need to blend in everywhere . Be it... Continue Reading →

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